Sunday, July 22, 2012

DIY Wood Sign & Decorative Balls


So today I am showing you guys one of my specialties, a little wood sign. Working with wood and making signs is what I love to do the most! It wasn't hard to make at all so I hope you guys are inspired to make one of your own. I am also showing how I made some of my decorative balls, I know y'all have seen it 100 times but I did mine in my own special way so I hope y'all enjoy!


1. First you just need 3 scrap pieces of wood, my sign ended up being about 10in x 13in.
2. Then sand them down nice and smooth.
3. Next turn them over and take some scrap pieces of wood to see how they fit. These will hold all the wood together.
4. Then I flipped it back over and nailed my top pieces into the back pieces. Nothing Fancy, small nails showing don't bother me!

5. Then I took the darkest stain I had on hand and just went over the wood, and then wiped off the extra. Im very impatient so after about 20 minutes I started the heart.
6. Next I just traced half a heart onto some folded paper (just like they teach you in kindergarden) and then layer it out to see where I wanted it.
7. Then I just traced the heart with a pencil and started filling it in! Just one coat of white, I always do a cost of white first on everything its just a habit.


8. Then to match our bedroom (browns and blues), I filled it in with some blue. I always use the cheap craft paint you can get at walmart. 
9. I usually have a different technique for doing letters on my signs but Ill show you that in another post, for this I just traced some letters I had already done on some blocks and cut them out.
10. Then just place them on your sign where you want them and trace around them.
11. Then the fun part, filling the letters in! I did a few layers but I knew I was distressing the piece also so I wasn't to worried about it being perfect.

12. Next just distress the piece, I used an old piece of sandpaper thats almost dead! Then I just took a baby wipe and wiped the wood down. And your done! Add a little clip to the back if you want to hang it, mine sits on my dresser for now.
Next I will show you guys how I paint most of my pieces, there isn't a thing in my house that hasn't been repainted yet! This is a little bowl I got from the goodwill for $1
1. First I add a layer of white, then I did a layer of brown. I never wait for the paint to fully dry or rinse my paint brush. Then I mixed a few blues and added that to it, again I knew it would be distressed so I wasn't to worried about covering ever inch perfect. Then start sanding.

Here is how it looked after the sanding and distressing. I wasn't exactly happy with it so back to the craft room.

 I decided to do some dry brushing on it. Ill explain how I do it. First you just dip you brush into your color, then dab most of the paint off, and in long strokes brush onto your piece. You can see the effect in the last picture. I did this with white and a light  brown. And your done!

Next I am making my decorative balls. I used some rope, twine, and scrap fabric to decorate them.


1. First you add a dot of hot glue and add your end to the glue and press. Careful not to get burned I know!
2. Then start twisting the fabric.
3. Add some glue and start wrapping the fabric around and around, twisting and glueing as you go.

You can see the finished picture. I did the same with some brown fabric, and then did my rope and twine. The rope wasn't my favorite color so I took my walmart craft paint and just painted over the rope , I did one white and one a darker blue. They gave an awesome old, distressed look that I loved. And you done!

Thankyou guys for stopping by and I hope you guys enjoyed todays project, post and questions and comments below! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hair Flower Tutorial and First Post

I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to be making my first post! I have been waiting for this for a long time. I am still very new to the blog world, so bare with me for a little while. Thankyou so much for stopping by and checking it out, I will make sure to post new tutorials for you guys every chance I get because my hands are always creating something! Enough chit chat though lets get to the crafting! I am showing you guys how to make flower bows for your hair, I have been obsessed with them lately and wear them with almost every outfit. I hope i explained everything easy enough, any questions just post a comment!


Step 1. You will need scissors, pen and paper, fabric of your choice, bobby pin, and a hot glue gun.
Step 2. Find something to trace (I used a shot glass) or free hand a flower.
Step 3. Trace you flower onto your fabric. You will need 10 flowers.
Step 4. Cut out all of your flowers.


Step 5. Gather all of the flowers. Do your hands hurt?? Mine did!
Step 6. Make a small circle out of your fabric. My fabric was very thin so i just layered it a few times and glued them together. This will be the base of the flower. (It docent have to be pretty, only you will ever see it.)


Step 7. Take one flower and lay it face down.
Step 8. Fold over one side.
Step 9. Fold your flower over again. (Its so hard i know!)
Step 10. Gather you flowers in your fingers.


Step 11. Put some hot glue down on your circle and press your petal down till its dry.
Step 12. As you can see i just did a few more flowers.
Step 13. The bottom layer will have 5 flowers.
Step 14. I got a little ahead of the camera, like I said the first layer has 5 flowers, the second layer has 4, and then you add one to the middle.


Step 15. Turn your flower over and get your bobby pin ready.
Step 16. Add a thin line of hot glue this and the next step goes very quickly!
Step 17. Spread open the bobby pin as wide as you can an press the straight side down into the glue. Hold it just like the picture for a few seconds until the glue is dry enough not to glue the bobby pic shut.
Step 18. This is what it should look like.


I usually hold it by the bobby pin and give it a good little shake to make it poof up.
Hope you guys got it! Let me know what you thought of my first tutorial, tips, advice, and comments are all welcome!